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Los Angeles, CA

The Fischer Family


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Husband + Daddy

Hi! I’m Travis.

“Trav” to this beautiful woman.

I’m madly in love with her. If you can't tell.

I’m madly in love with her. If you can't tell.


“Dadda” to these three.

They have completely blown my understanding of what love even is.

They have completely blown my understanding of what love even is.


I provide for my family by writing software and building websites. I’m currently working for Trello from the comfort of my own home in Culver City, California. I love writing software and feel very blessed to have a career that I sincerely enjoy almost every day.

Music is my personal lifelong passion. Writing, creating and playing music is an experience like nothing else in the world. That passion is something I hope to pass on to each of my kids.

I’m an INTJ (Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging) according to the Myers-Briggs personality evaluation. Why do I share that?

It’s not because I subscribe to building a life inside a box that someone else put you in. Who is this Myers-Briggers person anyways? Just kidding. I’ve read the Wikipedia page.

I share it because we INTJ’s make up a very quiet, thoughtful, analytical, often blunt, difficult to read and introspective 2% of the population. I believe that identifying who we are goes a really long way in understanding the things that we do and say. You likely know someone who is also a INTJ (But probably only one, maybe two). They are probably not someone you would describe as “the life of the party”, or “warm” or even “fun.” However, we bring a lot to the table if you take the time to really get to know us. Just ask Melissa. ;)