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Los Angeles, CA

The Fischer Family





Baby on the way!!

Melissa Fischer

My heart is completely overflowing with gratitude. What an amazing week and a half this has been for our little (soon to be) family of FIVE!!

That's right. Soon there will be one more little one in this family photo!

You may {or may not} have noticed that it’s been just over seven weeks since my last post. You may have been curious why the blog got so quiet or you may not have even realized it, but just the same, it has been awhile since I gave an update. And as you can see, A LOT has happened! So, let me back it WAY up for you to share how we have come to this crazy wonderful place since I last wrote seven weeks ago.

August 12th, the same day of my last blog post wherein I confessed some of my struggles within this adoption journey, we received an email from our adoption consultant containing a birth mom situation. Up until this point, we had received several potential birth mom situations, but with each one we felt that we just couldn’t present our profile because the finances were not there. It was heart wrenching for us to watch all of these cases of all of these babies who needed homes pass by and to not be able do anything about it. However, the case we received this day was different. It instantly captured our hearts, and we longed to be a part of this situation in a way we had never experienced before. So, we prayed about it, and decided we would take the first step to present our profile trusting that, if we were chosen, God would provide the finances we needed.

A week later our profile was presented to her, and then we waited and waited and waited. It is not uncommon to wait several days or even weeks to find out if a birth mom has chosen you. I mean come on, it is a HUGE decision. So, as agonizing as it was, we were content to wait. In the end, after almost a month, that situation did not end up being the right fit for us. And even though that wasn’t the situation for us, we know that God used it to move our hearts to a place where we were willing to step forward in faith and start presenting our profile to birth moms despite not having all of the finances. This was a place that, in our flesh, we had been terrified of and unwilling to go because we didn’t have the “security” of knowing we could write the check at the end.

September 8th, we were sent THREE new birth mom profiles all for a babies due in late fall/early winter. There was one profile that instantly pulled at our heartstrings, and we started discussing whether or not we should present our profile to this mom. We prayed about it for a couple of days, and at almost the exact same moment, we both knew that the answer was yes. On September 12th, our profile was presented to this mom.

We spent the next 10 days getting unpacked and settled back into a routine as we had just returned from being in Wisconsin for 2.5 weeks. But mostly, we spent the next 10 days waiting.

On Monday, September 22nd, my phone rang. I knew immediately it was the call we had been waiting for. My stomach turned, and I was instantly nervous and nauseous to hear the news. News that had the power to thrill us or devastate us and the power to change our world forever. I picked up the phone and began the conversation with our attorney, Kim. After an agonizing greeting {which probably only lasted 20 seconds but felt like an hour} my heart skipped a beat as Kim uttered the words I so desperately hoped to hear, “she chose you.”

She CHOSE us!

No words can describe the flood of emotions I felt in that moment; shock, excitement, nervousness, gratefulness, disbelief. I was instantly giddy and speechless. I really don’t remember too much more about that conversation as I fumbled my way through it and could not wait to share the news with Travis. I hung up and instantly screamed to the kids, “WE’RE GETTING A BABY!!” We had a brief dance party which consisted of jumping up + down and spinning around, and then dialed up daddy at work. We shared the news with him, and we all celebrated together over speaker phone. The celebration continued all day and into the evening when daddy got home and surprised us with flowers and balloons. It was truly one of the most beautiful days of my life. I will treasure all of the moments of that day in the deepest parts of my heart, and I pray that I will never forget them.

We have spent the last 11 days trying to get a grasp on it all. We truly still cannot believe this is happening! After months and months of praying, seeking and taking small steps forward, God has revealed to us such a MAJOR piece of His plan. After months and months of not knowing when we would get to add another baby to our family, we have a due date! After months and months of literally aching to know who our birth mom would be, we know her and can pray for her by name! Agh! I just can’t grasp it all. So grateful. So thankful.

My heart is just bursting. Each day I continue to see HIS amazing sovereignty and plan for us unfold. Each day I experience a new level of awe as I realize, again, this priceless gift that God has given us. Each day I am knocked off my feet when I realize that THIS sweet, sweet mom chose US to raise her baby. What an honor. I truly am so humbled and cannot believe that I am being given this precious gift and opportunity. I pray that not a day goes by I don’t remember all of these things and thank Him for all he has done. He is so good.

Just as we have spent many hours since last Monday basking in the joy of our wonderful news, we have also spent many, MANY hours freaking out, stressing, working, planning, researching, list making and feeling COMPLETELY overwhelmed about all that we must figure out NOW! The lists are long. Very long. Most days I feel like I could spend the entire day just making lists of everything we need to do without even actually making progress on any of those things.

The most obvious and biggest piece that is overwhelming us is the current deficit between our adoption savings and our projected financial needs to bring this precious baby home. It is large and feels impossible.

We have NO doubt that God led us to this place. Each step of the way He was working and moving the pieces to bring us to THIS mom and THIS baby. So, we believe that He can and will provide all that we need to make this little life a part of our forever family.

One of the ways we know God provides is through the generous hearts of friends and community. We have already seen His provision {and love} through some generous donations, and we are SO grateful! Because of that, we are now asking {again} for your help!

TODAY we are launching our puzzle piece fundraiser. Each piece purchased will get us one step closer to our little one. Please visit our fundraising page for all of the details and consider buying some puzzle pieces!

YOUR help is what will allow us to bring our baby home. We cannot wait to meet this little one! And we cannot wait to share this little one with all of you! God is good!