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Los Angeles, CA

The Fischer Family


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Filtering by Category: Adoption


Melissa Fischer

Since both announcing that we are adopting and announcing that we have been matched with a birth mom, we have received many questions. We thought it would be a good idea to take some time answer some of them. We hope that these FAQs will be insightful for any of you who may have been wondering about some of these details.

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"UN-Garage Sale" Fundraiser Report

Melissa Fischer

My heart is completely bursting with gratitude. About a week ago, Travis’s aunt Jenn let us know that she would be planning + hosting what she called an “Un-garage sale” in order to support our adoption. She had been collecting a ton of really nice items from around her home that she was planning to offer to others in garage sale form. However, instead of putting a price on all of the items, she was planning to allow people to come and take what they wanted from the sale and only pay what they wanted to as a donation to our adoption fund. What a wonderful way to bless us and others at the same time!

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